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The Books

Rotten to the Core

2009. Russia and England are bidding to stage the 2018 World Cup. FIFA Secretary-General, François Picard, has been offered a small fortune that will enable him to retire in luxury if he secures the World Cup for Russia. Picard works out that a no-hoper bid for the European football championships in 2016 will undermine England’s World Cup bid, and supports it against a bid from his own country. But when the no-hoper bid proves more credible than anyone thought, Picard.....

Kingdom Come

2015. The United Kingdom has just discovered massive new oil deposits. Enough to meet its own needs and those of most of the world for the next 100 years. The only problem is that most of the oil is off either Scotland or Wales. And the Scots and Welsh want their share of the profits. The United Kingdom government’s response is robust. Firstly, they shut down the devolved governments in Edinburgh and Cardiff. Then they jail its leaders after an.....